이원자 탄소 2022. 1. 13. 19:36

기능이 여러개 있으니 두개로 나누겠음

HTML - HyperText Makeup Language (rendering guideline for software)
^ html은 언어가 아님 근데 왜 언어카테고리냐고? JS 랑 같이써서 걍 넣었음 언어아님

Why using html? <이거 쓰라고 시험에 나옴>
- dedicate the roles of text or media on the page
- set up hyperlinks to allow navigation between pages
- well supported by web browsers on multiple device platforms (allowing unified experience)

!DOCTYPE : declares the document type <이거 DOCTYPE 왜쓰냐고 시험에 나옴>
(html represents HTML5 file)

<이런식으로 쓰면됨>

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>TITLE</title><!--이건 그 사이트 보면 탭에 적혀져있는거--> </head> <body> <h1> This is heading which is big </h1> <h2> smaller heading </h2> <h3> more smaller </h3> <h4> 더작음 </h4> <h5> 이거 </h5> <h6> h6까지있음 </h6> <p>This is paragraph and <br>This is break </p> <br> <b>and this is bolded paragraph</b> <br> <i>italic para</i> <br> <u>underlined paragraph</u> <br> A<sub>subscript</sub> <br> B<sup>superscript</sup> <br> <pre>pre-formatted</pre> <br> <ol type="i" start="10"> ordered list <li> unordered list 1 </li> <li> list 2 </li> </ol><br> <ol> ordered list <li> unordered list 1 </li> <li> list 2 </li><!--아이탬 리스트들--> </ol> <table><!--This is table--> <th>table header</th> <tr><!--Table row--> <td>row 1, cell 1</td><!--Table colomn (cell)--> <td>row 1, cell 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>row 2, cell 1</td> <td>row 2, cell 2</td> </tr> </table> <!-- 이건 주석이다 이거 이이거거왜두번쳐지냐 버버그그냐냐?개개웃웃기기넼넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ왜두번쳐짐 이이건건왜왜두두번번안안쳐쳐짐짐 이이제제두두번번쳐쳐지지네 --> </body> </html>

more smaller 작다는거 강조할려고..

<이런식으로 쓰면 이렇게 나옴>


This is heading which is big

smaller heading

more smaller



This is paragraph and
This is break

and this is bolded paragraph
italic para
underlined paragraph

    ordered list
  1. unordered list 1
  2. list 2

    ordered list
  1. unordered list 1
  2. list 2
table header
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2
