
CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) 는 사이트 꾸밀때 쓰는거임 

쓰면 사이트가 이뻐짐 


Why using CSS? - 수업 ppt에서 가져옴 

• Every element in HTML that is presentable has a set of style properties that can be modified via CSS 

• Separating design from contents

• Hopefully handled by different teams in the development

• Easily changing the skin of a web page

• Sharing of the stylesheet among pages on the same site


Using CSS in html

  1. external stylesheet: where a stylesheet file (.css) is linked
  2. internal stylesheet: the styles are included in the HTML head
  3. inline styles: specifying the behaviour for a particular tag directly using a style attribute

External Stylesheet example (쓰는법)

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style1.css" > 

<!--이런식으로 head 안에 link 달아서 만들어놓은 css 파일을 불러온다-->


Internal Stylesheet example (쓰는법)

  hr { color: sienna; }
  p { margin-left: 20px; }
  body { background-image: url("images/back40.gif"); }

<!--head 안에 style 테그를 넣는다-->



Inline style example (쓰는법)

<p style="color: sienna; margin-left: 20px;"> 
This is a paragraph

<!--set style directly-->

style 걍 꼴아박는다



Inheritance and cascading (종속, 상속)

  • A child inherits the parent's properties if unspecified
  • The idea of “cascading” reflects the priority of CSS rules:
    1. Overriding importance: inline style > internal stylesheets > external stylesheets
    2. More specific ones override generic ones
    3. Naturally, later ones override earlier ones



      Element selectors
      Select all <p> elements
      h1, h2
      Select all <h1> and <h2> elements
      Select all elements
      p a
      Select all <a> elements that is a child of a <p> element 
      Pseudo-element selectors
      Select all the <p> elements that are the 3rd child
      Select the first letters of all <p> elements


      ID and class selectors
      Select the only HTML element having attribute id="example" Note: the id value should be unique in the document
      Select all HTML elements having attribute class="new"
      Select all <p> elements having attribute class="new"
      Select all <a> elements that is a child of a <p> element
      Pseudo-class selectors
      Select all <a> elements that has the mouse cursor over it
      Select all unvisited <a> elements

      a:hover: 마우스 커서를 가져가면 <a>를 선택함. 

      ex) 색을 바꾸라고 하면 마우스 가져다댈때마다 색변함

        <p id="p2" style="background:yellow">random</p>


How to change Fonts

https://fonts.google.com/ 여기 들어가면 많은 폰트들을 볼수있다. 

대충 이것들 복붙하면 폰트가 바뀜


원하는 폰트에 들어가서 다음과 같이 생긴 오른쪽 상단의 버튼을 누르면

이런 창이 나온다. 저기서 위에 있는 링크를 <head>안에 복붙하고 밑에있는 링크를 css에 넣으면 된다. 

body{font-family: 'Mochiy Pop P One', sans-serif;}




그러면 이런식으로 폰트가 이쁘게 바뀐다. 



Inline vs. Block-level elements in html


Block-level elements inline elements
p, h1, table, blockquote, li i, a, img, small

차이는 이것과 같이 block level element는 줄 통째로 해당되는거고 inline은 글자가 있는만큼만 해당되는거다.
이런식으로 class와 id를 나눠서 꾸밀수도 있다.&nbsp;




By default, all HTML elements has a static position

Four other possibilities
absolute: define the top-left using top and left properties

fixed: positioned relative to the browser window

relative: relative to original static position

sticky: position becomes fixed at a certain scroll position, often used for navigation bar or site title bar


The box model

All HTML elements are considered boxes, and they can occupy some space according to these properties

padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px; margin: 4px 3px 2px 1px;
top, right, bottom, left padding/margin being set accordingly
padding: 5px 0px; margin: 10px;
Only two values: top/bottom, left/right Only one value: all sides
padding-left: 5em; margin-top: 2em;
Also possible to set values independently
margin: 0 auto; border: 2px dotted red;
To align a box in middle, use auto x-margin




'언어는 과-학인가요? > 전반적인 web development (html css JS )' 카테고리의 다른 글

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