Client-server architecture
- World Wide Web (WWW) uses the client-server architecture
- Clients obtain service from a centralized server
- Server waits for client requests and make response
The OSI network model
- communication between clients and servers can be seen in multiple layers
- Abstraction è reducing complexity of problems to smaller ones
- Division of labour
Communication protocols
- Clear definition of steps is needed for two computers to communicate
- rules
- syntax
- semantics
- synchronization of communication
- error recovery methods
- There are protocols for every layer in the networking model
- The internet engineering Task force (IETF) develops and promotes voluntary internet standards
MAC and IP addresses
- Mac address (layer2): locating a piece of communication device on a local network
- IP address(layer3): identifying a network interface in networks
- IPv4 (32-bit) vs IPv6 (128-bit)
- Public addresses vs private addresses
- Private addresses limit datagrams to be sent within local network only
- e.g., is only meaningful within a local network
- The ARP table on a device maintains the correspondence between MAC addresses and IP addresses within a local network
- Layer 4 protocols: ensuring reliability of data transmission
- Transmission control protocols (TCP)
- Handshakes to establish a connection
- Built in system to check for errors
- Guarantee for data order and completeness
- Good for HTTPSs, HTTP etc.
- User Datagram Protocols (UDP_
- connectionless -> reducing the overhead of computation (time)
- Extensive error checking and recovery not required
- Good for: video conferencing, media streaming etc
Communicating over ports
- In networking, connections are made on ports of a network device
- Each port is "listen to" served by one piece of software server
- Well known ports: 0-1023 (Http:80, Https:443)
- Registered ports: 1024-49151
- Private ports:49152-65535
- In network programming, a network socket is an endpoint for communication
- socket=transport protocol+IP address+port number
- Implementation depends on the programming language/environment
- It is also possible to have both ends of communication only on one computer
- Although it is in the same computer, this way allows communication to still go through network layers in the OS
- Usually identified in the computer as "localhost" or
Hypertext transfer protocol
- HTTP - hypertext transfer protocol
- Communication is initiated by a client
- a client sends a HTTP request to a server
- the server returns a HTTP response to the client
- It is stateless
- every request is treated as an independent request
- the protocol itself does not offer any means to relate two separate request
- HTTP/1.1 — 1997, HTTP/2 — 2015, HTTP/3 — expired draft (2020)
HTTP clients
- Web client (“user-agent”): a software communicating with the web server over HTTP or HTTPS
- web browsers: for end-user experience
- html/css rendering
- js execution
- web technologies
- web crawlers/ search engines
- programmatic interfaces
- web browsers: for end-user experience
HTTP servers
- Web server: handling requests for web documents with http/https, supporting server-side scripts
- apache (was still the first last yr!)
- nginx
- Microsoft ISS
- node.js
- Web caching
- forward/reverse proxies
- Content delivery networks(CDN)
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